As a choreographer and director my focus is on meaningful storytelling. Portraying the multifaceted, often silent elements of female and LGBTQIA+ identity through transportive entertainment is a recurring theme in my work. My background in creative writing and filmmaking drives me to find the narrative in any story, and often leads me to create multi-disciplinary works that meld contemporary circus with dance and traditional theater, as well as live music, and poetry.
Directing a show is a lot like planning a wedding—it requires a thoughtful, well-planned but flexible approach, and the ability to simultaneously work in both the macro view and minutiae. I directed my first full length show as a junior in college and have honed my process of directing over more than a decade and dozens of shows. I’ve directed casts of six-year-olds taking the stage for the first time, and hungry professionals. I’ve directed touring shows, virtual projects for digital media, and custom shows for international festivals.

I have choreographed innumerable acts, both for myself as well as for other soloists, duets, and groups. I love guiding other artists to unearth their ability to tell their own stories, and to use their physicality to interact creatively and authentically with the world.
I am available for directorial consults, acting as an outside eye, or to take the reins and steer the chariot so that you can focus on the specifics of your art.
Past New England clients include the Bushnell Performing Arts Center, The International Festival of Arts & Ideas, and GreenStage Guilford Performing Arts Festival.
To learn more, or to schedule a consult call for your project, please contact me.
Photos by Laurie Kigner